Hi! I'm Raphael.
An engineer.
I'm a Master's student at Stanford with a passion for software engineering and design. I focus on Computer and Network security and Machine Learning.

can I see your projects?
Work I've done

Empiric Network
Designed and implemented the website of the StarkNet oracle Empiric Network. Includes live price feeds, a command pallet, and a thorough content section. I also wrote upgradable smart contracts using proxies on StarkNet and GitHub Actions to test them.

Raycast Extensions
Multiple open source Raycast extensions with over 14k downloads. Google Maps Search allows you to quickly open Google Maps directions, for example from your current location to your home.

Parallel Computing
Tested a new language for implicit dataflow parallelism. Achieved a 20x reduction of run time by running parallel computations on GPUs using CUDA.
any other projects?
Honorable mentions
Pintos - A simple operating system
Pintos is a simple OS framework for the 80x86 architecture. I implemented basic support for kernel threads, loading and running user programs, a file system, and virtual memory.
An Airplane Journey
An immersive web experience made with R3F and Drei. Explores 3D websites and Blender modeling skills. For someone special in my life. :)
Get in touch with me or check out my blog.